At Fitbit, we partnered with hundreds of schools to bring our digital health platform to their faculty and students. Our goal was to make students more cognizant and aware of their health, and to take action when needed to address their findings. An active step challenge platform usually worked wonders to enhance the experience with competition between students and faculty combined. Charter Schools in general have fewer restrictions in regards to how to spend their funding, making Fitbit at times an easier implementation with fewer hoops and hurdles needed to jump through.
In 2016, we started to work with a Charter School in California, called Elite Academic School. Eventually they came to purchase a few thousand devices for their students and faculty, and our marketing team made a case study out of their journey. Academic was hoping to increase student participation and involvement in the FITNESSGRAM test in California, and thought implementing Fitbit into their population would aid in their efforts.
The results of their efforts far surpassed initial expectations. Not only were students far more active than prior months, they noticed how much more interactive all students were, not only with each other, but with staff. Children, who were shy in communicating, now had an easy outlet to speak to an adult about. The mood and energy in the classroom became infectious, and school spirit and morale drastically improved, putting children in a far better position to succeed in the classroom.